Spreading Love & Hope...
Welcome to Saint Francis Parish and Outreach!
We are a resisting church!
In the face of the darkness around us, Saint Francis Parish seeks to be a beacon of light and hope. We are a sanctuary for all those who need it. All are welcome!
Join us every Sunday at 3:00 PM at 557 Greene Street in Augusta Georgia in the sanctuary of the MCC of Our Redeemer.
February 2, 2025: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord/Blessing of the Throats
Mass Intention: For an end to violence in our world.
February 9, 2025: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intention: For all those suffering under oppressive governments.
For the St. George family; Fr. Bryan Wolf; Mary Nehls; for Kelesh’s daughter; James (Cancer); Linda (Cancer); Jacob (Cancer); James Long (Cancer); Mickey; Jacob Williams; Valarie and Boyfriend; Julie and Bill Cowitt; Kelesh and family; Lindsay; Bishop James Long; David; John; Bishop Ben and Darlene Williams; Ryn Ingells; growth for our parish family; all those in the path of the wildfires and severe weather, end of hostilities in Ukraine and the Middle East; for an end to gun violence.
Standing against injustice
Simeon and Anna spend their days in the temple in Jerusalem waiting for the coming of the Messiah. They had hope that they would see the coming Messiah because the Holy Spirit had revealed to them they would. Despite all those who had given up hope, feared the coming apocalypse that would come at the hands of the oppressive Roman government, and despaired at the lack of real spiritual leadership, Simeon and Anna did not give up hope.
Today, we face many of the same fears the people in Judea did in the first century. In less than two weeks, our country has gone from a constitutional republic to an authoritarian fascist state. People are being fired for the color of their skin, their gender, and their political leanings. Concentration camps are being set up to house those who the dictator wishes to be imprisoned. People are being denied the ability to leave the country because they cannot get passports because their gender is considered illegal.
It is tempting to give up hope. And trust me, it has been a very difficult week for me. I have struggled to get out of bed, dreading the next news alert, scared every time there is a knock on the door, fearing the invasion of federal agents into our worship space because we preach the “wrong Gospel”.
Your fear, concern, and feelings of hopelessness are valid.
I was reminded today of Jewish saying by Rabbi Tarfon, “It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.”
We are called to stand up to injustice, violence, abuse, marginalization, misogyny, and bigotry in our world. Even if that requires that we call out those we consider friends for their bad behavior.
Jesus reminds us in Matthew 25 that we will only enter heaven if we care for all people and love all people. Not just those who look like us. Not just those who think like us. Not just those who are “pure Americans”.
We are called to love everyone. We are called to help those most in need. We are commanded to welcome the stranger and to treat them with dignity and respect. To do otherwise, is a grave sin.
Come stand with us this Sunday at Saint Francis Parish as we continue to preach the Gospel of Jesus.
Can't make it to Mass?
You can still join us virtually, you can by using any of the following outlets:
Support our Parish!
You can support our parish by using the following services:
Our Parish Outreaches
Human First Outreach
This ministry focuses on providing food and toiletry supplies to the homeless in the Augusta, Georgia area. We provide feminine hygiene products to those that need them and food for the pets of our homeless friends and family.
We are working to bring a human touch to this ministry as we encourage volunteers to engage with the individuals we are helping in a compassionate and loving way. We expect all volunteers to refrain from proselytizing and preaching to those we serve. Instead, take a hint from Hamilton “talk less, listen more”.
If you would like to donate to this important ministry, you can visit our Amazon wishlist and purchase items to be sent directly to us.
Reclaiming the Cross Outreach
Check out our newest outreach in which we work to set the record straight on what the Bible says about many of the issues facing our society today!
Reclaiming the Cross is an outreach of our parish headed up by Subdeacon Luna Godsey.
Podcast Outreach
Our Parish goes social...