First Sunday of Lent – Temptation

This Sunday we begin our Lenten series on How to be a Resisting Church. In it we will look at the lives and works of the Rev. Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Their inspiration and works have stood the test of time and have helped the church navigate some of the most destructive times in the history of the church.

Our readings this Sunday focus on the command of God to follow him given to Moses and the Israelites and the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness.

Rev. Bonhoeffer said in his book on Temptation:

“It is here that everything within me rises up against the Word of God….  Therefore the Bible teaches us in times of temptation in the flesh, there is one command:  Flee!  Flee fornication.  Flee idolatry.  Flee youthful lusts.  Flee the lusts of the world.  There is no resistance to Satan in lust other than flight.  Every struggle against lust in one’s own strength is doomed to failure.”

He reminds us that the temptation of the world is to turn our back on the Word of God and to follow our earthly desires. However, God calls us to flee from those temptations and to resist the call of evil.

In our modern world, we are so often enticed by the evil that surrounds us. That evil calls to our baser instincts to hate, divide one another, and to marginalize those we see as less than ourselves. Yet, God calls us to embrace those most in need, to help lift up the downtrodden and to sow love all around us in the world.

Part of being a resisting church is to answer the call of God even when the rest of the world, yes, even the rest of Christianity, works to fulfill those desires of the flesh. It is not easy, but rather it requires us to let go of our earthly desires and to humble ourselves before God. And Lent is the perfect time to start this pattern of service to God and our neighbor.

I hope you will join us this Sunday as we being our look at how to be a resisting church in the world around us.

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer