Treat everyone the same

Our readings this weekend remind us that we are to care for all people equally and not show favoritism to those who are rich. We are called upon to treat everyone with love and respect. It is a very important message for today’s church, but one very few are willing to listen to.

Isaiah and Mark remind us that God, thru his son Jesus, will come to heal those most in need of help. Those who are downtrodden and abused. Those who are in most need of being treated as human. This is the message we have lost as Christians.

You see, everyone is a child of the Divine. No one you meet is without a spark of the Divine within them. So when you treat others as less than yourself, you are treating the Divine (God) as being less than yourself.

This is your call to re-evaluate your life and how you approach those around you. It is time for Christians to stop giving into the lures of the world, to stop giving in to the hate and bigotry around them, and to work to follow the teachings of our Lord.

To remind you of the reading from Joshua two weeks ago, who will you serve? As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

I hope to see you Sunday!

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer