Christians and Politics

Bishop Greer Godsey (Old Catholic), Rev. Marc Trimm (MCC), and Bishop Ben Williams (Old Catholic) discuss how Christians should approach political discussions.

Questions and Answers

This episode features Rev. Marc Trimm (MCC), Bishop Ben Williams (Old Catholic), and Bishop Greer Godsey (Old Catholic) as we take our audiences questions.

Religious Trauma

This episode features Rev. Marc Trimm (MCC), Bishop Ben Williams (Old Catholic), and Bishop Greer Godsey (Old Catholic) as we discuss religious trauma and how to heal from it.

America before Europeans

This podcast discusses what America was like before the arrival of the Europeans. We talk with Native American Activist Blackbird. Bishop Greer Godsey (Old Catholic), Rev. Marc Trimm (MCC) and Dillon host.

Finding True Peace

Bishop Greer Godsey (Old Catholic) and Rev. Marc Trimm (MCC) talk about how to find true peace in a world of chaos.