Baptism – The first step on our journey

Baptism is the first step to being a full member of the body of Christ. This great sacrament mirrors the events we see in the Gospel this Sunday. Jesus takes time to visit his cousin John the Baptist and to be baptized in the Jordan River.

In this great scene from scripture, we find Jesus submitting to John, consenting to being baptized so that prophecy can be fulfilled. This act is one that is lost on most Christians. Jesus did not lord his Godhood over anyone, not even his own family.

Rather he submitted to being used by his Father and our Father so that the world could be saved. He was obedient even to death.

Today, so many Christians think that being a Christian is a badge of honor. Or worse, the feel that it makes them better than everyone else. They forget their baptismal vows to turn away from pride, averise, greed, hatred, and reject the ways of the evil one. They dedicate their lives to making others miserable and to lording over them their superiority.

Christian Nationalism is one of the sins that flies in the face of our baptismal vows. We are not here to build a Christian Kingdom. We are here to improve the world by helping those most in need. We are commanded to care for the poor, the widow, and the orphan. We are commanded to help the homeless, the sick, the prisoner, and those without support.

If we truly want to be followers of the Christ, true Christians, we have to set aside our pride and ego, humble ourselves like Jesus did, and care for those most in need.

I pray that you will join us this Sunday as we recommit to our baptismal vows.

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer

Refugees and Asylum

We celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, the revelation of Christ to the world. It is a great feast in which we remember the 3 wise men from the east and their journey to see the Christ-child. They were wise men and so they knew the risk they took traveling to see a “new king” in a land occupied by a foreign nation. This could go very badly for them.

Yet, they traveled a long distance to visit this child. They defied the king and refused to return to him with information about the location of the Christ-child. Their act of defiance caused both the death of the Holy Innocence but also provided the Christ-child and his family time to get away.

They headed to Egypt. They were refugees seeking asylum from this foreign and hostile government. Without passport or visa, they walked into Egypt to escape the risk to Jesus from the king. I am sure they heard the stories as they wandered through Egypt of the death of the babies in Judea. Mary would have been heartbroken to learn that other children died so that Jesus could live.

And so, we have this story that should be a tale to us today as we deal with refugees and those seeking asylum. We should treat them like we would treat the Child Jesus if he came to our country. This story plays out each day at our airports and our borders. We have the choice to be like the Roman’s and demand that they die rather than given them asylum. Or we could be like the Egyptians and welcome them in with open arms.

Today, these children of God need our help. They need protection, food, clothing, and a chance at a happy and fulfilled life. Are we willing to be real Christians and help them or are we more intent on building a wall and casting them back their country of origin so they can die at the hands of a repressive government? Remember, we will be judged on how we treat those most in need just like the story of the sheep and the goats.

I chose to help those most in need. And I hope you will join me!

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer

Prepare the Way

We start the season of Advent this Sunday. As part of our commitment to helping our community and to standing up against injustice, we are offering a class on December 3, 10, and 17 on How to be a Resisting Church. This study will focus on the teachings of Rev. Detrick Bonhoffer and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We will learn how to resist injustice in a non-violent and peaceful way.

Also, we will focus on preparing the way of the Lord. This series will focus on various ways me can be more Christ-like all year long, but also during this Advent and Christmas season.

We start off this journey with the call to be vigilant. We are called to look at the signs of the times and to not allow them to drag us down, but to help us hope for the future to come. Jesus reminds us that we are not to be discouraged by all the evil in the world, but to take up our cross, to follow him, and to continue to do the work of the Gospel.

It is in this message that we are reminded that we must continue to help the poor, the homeless, as well as the widow and the orphan. Our mission to make a positive change in the world does not stop because others have decided to be evil. No, our mission is more important now more than ever.

So, we renew our commitment to those who need it most. We continue to call for help to maintain our blessing bag ministry. We will continue to bring services to those who cannot attend any other way. And we will continue to work to build up a congregation in the CSRA to offer an affirming and welcoming liturgical church.

We ask you to consider what you can do to live this message more each and every day.

Won’t you help us to the Prepare the Way?

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer

Resisting Hate

Our Gospel this Sunday points to a dystopian future of our world. A future where the heavens are destroyed, and the earth is in ruin. Sadly, so many Christians cheer this type of future that they miss the entire message of the Gospel. They believe that Jesus’ words are truth, except when it comes to this Gospel.

You see, Jesus said that these events will occur before the generation he is speaking to passes away. That is about 40 years or so after that speech. This Gospel has been used to predict the coming of the end of the world and the “rapture” to scare people into submission.

During the previous election, many conservatives used this language and these types of dystopian imagery to scare people into voting for them. They not only misinterpret the scriptures, but they do the very thing Jesus cautions against: they combine Caeser and God.

We continue to find ourselves at the edge of a cliff. Many Christians have given their faith, allegiance, and whole selves to political leaders. They have decided that the church must be an arm of the government and do the bidding of the government. However, this is not what Jesus wanted. In fact, Jesus was crucified by a combination of government and religion.

2000 years later, we are right back where we started. Our parish, Saint Francis Parish and Outreach, refuses to be an arm of the government. We refuse to marginalize those in our midst that political leaders build their campaigns on the back of. We refuse to dehumanize people of color, immigrants, LGBTQIA+, the poor and homeless, prisoners, women, and those who are elderly and in need of our support.

This Advent, we are offering a class on How to be a Resisting Church. We will look at the lives and messages of the Rev. Dr. Detrick Bonhoffer and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We will learn their message of peaceful resistance to an unjust government. And we will offer this class to anyone who wants to participate.

December 3, 10, and 17 at 6:30 PM ET on Zoom, we will offer everyone a chance to take this class. To receive information on how to participate, you can email the parish at or fill out the form below.

We hope you will join us as we start this next chapter in our parish!

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer

Stewardship for the new year

 try not to talk about the finances of the church very often. I tire of all the preachers in the world who constantly work to pull every penny from their followers to get a new jet, new car, or a new house. However, the reality is that ministry cost money just like everything else in the world.

There are candles, batteries, hosting services, domain names, phone services, hosts, wine, supplies for the blessing bags, as well as many office supplies that are required to keep a parish moving forward. Unlike most pastors, I do not make a dime doing the work of my ministry. I am not paid or stipend for the work I do.

This weekend we read about another minister who had nothing. Elijah, a prophet in Israel, spent his time walking from city to city preaching the message given him by God without payment. All he asked was for a place to lay his head and some food. And in this particular passage, Elijah comes upon a widow living in an area of extreme drought and out of food herself. He asks her to make a couple of bread cakes out of what she had left for them to eat together.

Knowing that she was making their last meal for her, her son, and Elijah, she obeyed. And for this God blessed her with enough flour and oil to keep eating for a year! Rain finally came and her and the area around her was saved.

Also in the Gospel, we read about the widow who gave her last two pennies to help the ministry. Jesus praised her for her sacrifice saying that she would be blessed for giving of her need rather than giving little from her abundance like all the other people in the temple.

All too often, we refuse to help the ministry of the church thinking that someone else will help. We lament that we do not have the funds or that our money could go to better use. Each Sunday, I remind you all the work we do with the homeless and poor in our area. So many months now, I have taken money out of my own pocket to help keep our ministries here at Saint Francis Parish and Outreach going.

We have one faithful servant of God who does help. And for their contributions we are eternally grateful. However, we need more people to step up and to help contribute to keeping out ministry alive. For the first time in my ministry of 26 years, this Advent, we will be holding a stewardship campaign to help keep our ministry going in the new year.

I am asking you to pray about how you might be a part of our ministry. Your financial support is vital if we are to continue our Masses on social media and our outreach to the poor and homeless. We want to start several small group programs in 2025 and need your help to make that possible.

This is your sign. We cannot go on without you!

I hope you will answer the call.

And I hope to see you in the pews on Sunday!

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer

A Servant to All

This Sunday’s Gospel has a line that caught my attention: “Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

As a Franciscan Parish, we are drawn to the words of our father, Saint Francis of Assisi. For those who do not know what a Franciscan is, we are followers of the teachings of Saint Francis.

Saint Francis heard a voice speak to him one day, “Francis, go and rebuild my church which, as you see, is falling down.” While Francis thought he was being called to repair the church of San Damiano, he would come to understand that God was calling him to repair the whole church worldwide of the greed, clericalism, and abuse that ran throughout it.

Saint Francis believed that the solution to this cancer in the church was to reject worldly wealth, care for the poor and sick, and to be a servant to all people. This is, after all, the message of the Gospel. Francis was willing to sell all his father’s possessions and give those funds to the poor and sick. This even though his father would go on to disown him.

Francis is quoted as saying, “It would be considered a theft on our part if we didn’t give to someone in greater need than we are.” This teaching is one of the foundations of our parish. It is our call to help those who cannot help themselves. As I said last Sunday in my sermon, we are called to help even when we have little to give.

This Sunday, the Gospel focuses on the disciples’ anger at James and John asking to sit at Jesus’ right and left hand. Jesus says those words I opened with to all the disciples. Nearly 2000 years later, that teaching is still meant for us.

As Saint Francis said, “We should never desire to be over others. Instead, we ought to be servants who are submissive to every human being for God’s sake.” We are called to be servants to all people regardless of who they are. We are to show no partiality when we meet others.

I ask you today to decide to walk this path with us. Come follow the teachings of the Gospel and of Saint Francis. Not just on Sundays, but on every day of our lives.

I hope to see you at Mass on Sunday!

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer

Giving Joyfully

This Sunday we have the Gospel reading of the rich young man. Jesus was asked by him what he must do to inherent eternal life. Jesus told him that he must follow the ten commandments. He replied that he had kept all the commandments since his youth. Jesus then told him to go, sell all that he had, and give that money to the poor. The young man went away upset because he was rich and did not want to let go of his wealth.

Jesus remarks to his disciples that it is easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to inherent the Kingdom of God. Yes, I know, most English translations say camel, but that is a mistranslation. The actual translation preserved in the Syriac Peshitta says rope.

Living in the Deep South and having endured the recent destruction caused by Hurricane Helene and Milton, I have seen so many people reach out to help one another survive. None of them were rich. All of them were people like me and you; barely scrapping by and trying hard to survive on what little they had.

Like the parable of the woman who gave her last two coins to the temple treasury, so many people gave from their need, not their abundance. The few people who were rich and helped did so after being shamed on social media into helping. That is not given from their heart or their sense of Christian charity. No, it was giving from their desire to save face.

We are a small parish. We have very little in the way of funding. However, we continue to help the poor and homeless, not from our abundance, but from our need. We cannot turn our backs on those who need our assistance. And we are commanded to help them no matter what.

Today, I ask you, will you give to our parish and help us to continue the great work we do here in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA)? Will you give of your need or your abundance to make sure others have what they need to survive? Will you bless others as you have been blessed?

So many people watch us online, yet so few support the parish financially. It is time this changed. Be a part of our ministry by dedicating your time, talents, and money to help us.

If you cannot give financially, can you be a lector? Can you take time to record you reading the Sunday readings to send to us? What about taking time to record a video about how our parish affects your life? Or maybe you have parish management skills we can use. There are so many ways for you to volunteer and help us out.

Pray about how you might be able to help others through our parish family.

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer

Where are the loving Christians?

Saint Francis Parish and Outreach has been working tirelessly to bring a voice of compassion, love, social justice, and radical inclusion to the CSRA for almost 21 years now. We are routinely asked why more people don’t come to our church. And I don’t have the answer to that question.

I would like to think that people in our community are loving, accepting, affirming, and inclusive in their love for their neighbors. However, I find it very disheartening to see churches that teach radical exclusion, hatred, abuse, and condemnation full to the brim while churches like Saint Francis remain empty on Sunday.

I won’t lie to you, there are Sundays where I sit and hold back the tears as I sit before Jesus in the tabernacle. We have dedicated our lives to helping those most marginalized in our community: the homeless, the poor, the LGBTQIA+, women, and people of color. It has been our founding principle to stand up against injustice and abuse. We continue to work to make a difference in our community by joining with others to stand against oppression, stigma, racism, and bigotry.

Where are those who want to help with this ministry? Where are those who aim to live the Gospel message of inclusion and love?

We have so many things planned as we move into fall and the Christmas season. We have our Blessing of the Pets on Sunday, October 6th during Mass at 3:00 PM. We are planning our annual Blue Christmas Service in December. And who can forget our Christmas Midnight Mass!

I am pleading with you this week, come visit us this Sunday at 3:00 PM at 557 Greene Street in Augusta, Georgia. Come see an entirely different way to be Catholic. Come experience the beauty of the Metropolitan Community Church of Our Redeemer that graciously lets us use their space for worship. And come to support the living Gospel!

Make Saint Francis Parish and Outreach your new church home!

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer

Our command to help others

We have seen the situation play out in churches repeatedly throughout the years. People who claim to be Christians fighting with each other over who is the best Christian. They play a game with their faith, seeing it as something that one must work to be better than their fellow Christians.

Sadly, this is not a new situation. Jesus had to confront this type of spiritual abuse among his own disciples. They were caught by Jesus arguing about who was the greatest disciple. And Jesus confronted this argument in a unique way.

Jesus tells the disciples that if they want to be the first in the kingdom of God, they must first be the last. They must be like a little child. In other words, they had to be humble and put others before themselves.

Saint Francis of Assisi would spread that same message 1200 years later. He would remind his followers that to be first, you had to put everyone ahead of you. He went as far as to tell his brothers that they needed to be last when it came to getting their food and eating. They should make sure others were fed first.

These brothers, later called friars, would make this a central part of their daily lives. Here at Saint Francis Parish and Outreach, we are a Franciscan parish focused on putting those most in need ahead of ourselves.

I am asked a lot why we ask for so much help to feed the homeless and poor. My answer is simple: Jesus told us to, and Saint Francis commanded us to. So, we work diligently to help as many people as we can.

We ask you to help for two reasons: 1) the task is too great for one person to do alone, and 2) we are giving you the opportunity to live the message of the Gospel. This is your chance to be part of a movement bigger than yourself, to help those most in need of love and support.

I know you get tired of hearing about it, but your support helps us and you. It helps the poor and homeless in the CSRA. And sending a donation to our parish helps to keep us actively helping those who need our help most.

I hope you will come to worship with us this Sunday, either in person or online. And that you will consider signing up for reoccurring donations to our outreaches and parish.

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer