Who will you serve?

We come to the ultimate end of the Bread of Life discourse in the Gospel of Saint John. Jesus telling his followers that he is the Bread of Life caused many of them to leave his teachings behind and return to their old lives.

In Joshua, the people of Israel are given the same choice: return to the gods of their ancestors or follow the God that had led them out of Egypt. The people of Israel chose that day to follow the God that led them through the desert.

We have the same choice today. We can choose to follow the path of Jesus the Christ, or we can follow the path of greed, suffering, and violence that our society is so entrenched in. Many Christians today have given in to the latter and serve the destructive voices of society.  

I, for one, strive to follow the path of Jesus the Christ. I chose to eat the Bread of Life every Sunday in the Holy Eucharist. And I strive to live my life in peace and love. Jesus taught us to care for the least among us, to show love to our neighbors, and to be a friend to those who are outcast.

Today is the day to make a choice. Follow the path of Jesus the Christ, or continue down this destructive path that society offers us.

Who will you serve today?

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer

Come receive the Bread of Life

This Sunday we are called to follow the path of wisdom to the Bread of Life that Jesus offers us. It is a hard message for many people to accept, but one that is more important today than ever before.

So many people live in utter foolishness, being tossed about by every wind and wave that comes our way. It is very easy to do given that we are hit by so many conflicting messages. Those messages come from the news, social media and even our pulpits.

It is so hard to find what we are supposed to believe. That is why the message of the Gospel, and the readings, is so very essential today.

Wisdom is sought through our study and meditation on the Holy Scriptures. The strength to follow that wisdom is given us in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. In it Jesus gives us the grace and wisdom to handle those things that are sent our way by the world.

It is also wise in these days to not forsake the fellowship of one another. That is why we consistently offer mass every Sunday whether anyone is there or not. We give everyone an opportunity to come before Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament.

I hope you will come this Sunday and receive the Bread of Life!

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer