Where are the loving Christians?

Saint Francis Parish and Outreach has been working tirelessly to bring a voice of compassion, love, social justice, and radical inclusion to the CSRA for almost 21 years now. We are routinely asked why more people don’t come to our church. And I don’t have the answer to that question.

I would like to think that people in our community are loving, accepting, affirming, and inclusive in their love for their neighbors. However, I find it very disheartening to see churches that teach radical exclusion, hatred, abuse, and condemnation full to the brim while churches like Saint Francis remain empty on Sunday.

I won’t lie to you, there are Sundays where I sit and hold back the tears as I sit before Jesus in the tabernacle. We have dedicated our lives to helping those most marginalized in our community: the homeless, the poor, the LGBTQIA+, women, and people of color. It has been our founding principle to stand up against injustice and abuse. We continue to work to make a difference in our community by joining with others to stand against oppression, stigma, racism, and bigotry.

Where are those who want to help with this ministry? Where are those who aim to live the Gospel message of inclusion and love?

We have so many things planned as we move into fall and the Christmas season. We have our Blessing of the Pets on Sunday, October 6th during Mass at 3:00 PM. We are planning our annual Blue Christmas Service in December. And who can forget our Christmas Midnight Mass!

I am pleading with you this week, come visit us this Sunday at 3:00 PM at 557 Greene Street in Augusta, Georgia. Come see an entirely different way to be Catholic. Come experience the beauty of the Metropolitan Community Church of Our Redeemer that graciously lets us use their space for worship. And come to support the living Gospel!

Make Saint Francis Parish and Outreach your new church home!

Pax et Bonum,

Bishop Greer