The Spirituality of Resurrection

This Sunday we get a unique reading in the midst of Lent. Today we get the reading of Jesus going hearing of the death of his friend Lazarus. In some translations, we see Jesus’ humanity clearly by hearing the Words ‘and Jesus Wept.’ We hear him wrestling with emotion, but in his heart he knows that he must wait to go, and when confronted we are told that this moment for his friend is being used as a moment for people to believe. It speaks as resurrection not as a physical act but a spiritual one. While Lazarus is physically brought back to life, the same things happen to us through out our walks spiritually.

Lent is a journey through darkness. It’s a time that is supposed to agitate us and make us take a stand and move toward pointing our hearts to God. Many times we grumble through Lent and have to figure out what to do for fasting, and having to commit. But it makes us change, it makes us look for something more. And in the seeking something new and something more, it may in fact resurrect our faith and make it something new and vibrant and different.

So, in that mind we should humble ourselves and submit to the process. Because when that resurrection happens in our souls, it will change the rest of our lives. That is light of Easter, inspiring us to change our hearts so that eventually the world is changed by just one simple act.
