Love is our path

This Sunday we have a chance to read the great Christ Hymn out of Philippians. It is an amazing hymn written early in Paul’s Christian walk before the time when he started to be influenced to turn back toward a more Christian/Jewish mesh of faith. Part of what is amazing about this passage, Philippians 2:1-11, … Read more

Living a Life of Love

In this weekend’s readings, we have Jesus telling us how to resolve conflict in the church. It is not easy when people who claim to follow the Prince of Peace end up fighting with one another. Sometimes that conflict comes from people straying from the great commandments that Jesus gave us. And sometimes this conflict … Read more

The Building of Community

This Weeks text focuses on the Keys of the Kingdom. Long used as a defense of the church hierarchy and the common persons defense of it, there are some radical ways of looking at this text from Matthew. Primarily around the building around the petras or “rock”. Long thought to be a clever play on … Read more

Transform the World with Love

The last few weeks have been dark for me. My health has been very touch and go and my family continues to struggle financially, health-wise, and with attacks from very hateful “Christians”. I have struggled with the darkness that creeps up when you have CPTSD, depression, and anxiety. This Sunday’s readings are a reminder that … Read more

The Power of Seeds

This week we hear a familiar parable. This parable is the parable of the sower and the seed. And we hear about various ground types that seed can grow in. But to me the remarkable thing that people miss is the fact that all of the seeds that were planted grew! Regardless of where they … Read more