Spreading Hope

The words from the prophet Jeremiah speak volumes this week. “ I hear voices on every side, the voices that say Denounce him denounce him.” You see Jeremiah was not a popular prophet. He was predicting the down fall of the mighty reign of the Kings of Israel. Generations and generations had not listened and … Read more

For We Are One Body

This week has been an interesting week. We have kicked off Pride month, which for those like me and many in our congregation identify as LGBT, is a celebratory month. We celebrate the fact that we are here, we are alive, and we have risen above the hate and anger spewed at us and our … Read more

A Rush of Wind

This week we celebrate and commemorate the feast of Pentecost. It is the birthday of the church! And growing up it was a really confusing feast because it got ignored in my baptist upbringing yay reformation theology; or really really hoaky activites like singing “Happy Birthday” to the church and having a birthday cake at … Read more

Looking Forward

This weeks Epistle from 1st Peter gives a striking message for us all. To keep looking forward always. You see Peter was writing the letter knowing he had limited time. He was walking toward Rome, toward his eventually trial and martyrdom. His epistles were love letters to his people that he took leadership over. Sure … Read more

The True Call of a Deacon

This weekend we hear about the commissioning of the Deacons in the Acts of the Apostles. For many people, this is an unremarkable story. However, when you look a little deeper at the context you find some very interesting theological points.  First of all, the reason for the commissioning of the Deacons was that the … Read more

Divine Mercy

This week is Divine Mercy Sunday. It was called so after the chaplet instituted by St. Faustina in a vision given to her by our Lord in while she was praying in her convent. She was shown a future where mercy would need to be given out more and more and thus the chaplet, and … Read more

The Spirituality of Resurrection

This Sunday we get a unique reading in the midst of Lent. Today we get the reading of Jesus going hearing of the death of his friend Lazarus. In some translations, we see Jesus’ humanity clearly by hearing the Words ‘and Jesus Wept.’ We hear him wrestling with emotion, but in his heart he knows … Read more