Who is Human?

This weeks Gospel gives us a parable that asks us an important question. Who is cherished in our community. For far too long we have looked at false pretenses of honor to celebrities and notable figures. But Jesus paints a clear picture the one who is deserving of honor is the one who gives back … Read more

Talents and Treasure

A favorite comedian of mine, Gabriel Iglesias, has a line where he pokes fun of his weight as being fluffy. And as a former fluffy person, I get why he does it. Too often we are reminded by society that our weight is our own fault, despite that genetics, stress, and emotional factors play a … Read more

How Wrapped Up Are You?

The readings of this week all focus on the same thing. Focus. Where are we as children of God putting our focus. This is especially clear when we look at the Gospel. Martha is so busy serving the others, that she is missing out on Jesus teaching at the table. On the other hand Mary, … Read more

If Not Me Then Who

This week Paul gives us the key line that we as Christians are crucified to the world. Meaning that regardless of what goes on in the world, we are promised better in Christ. In Christ’s kingdom all divisions cease, and we are made new. Which is the truth we proclaim in the creeds when we … Read more

Our Covenant

Over the past few weeks I have lost a large number of friends. This is all part of ministry sadly. As my dear friend Bishop St. George always says we spend more time saying goodbye than saying hello. However, our parish and my ministry in particular will not dip our progressive standard. Jesus calls us … Read more

A Change of Spirit

This week is the feast of Pentecost, and a jovial and grand celebration for the birth of the church, is yet again punctuated by the woes of the world. At time of publication, we have had 7 shootings in about as many days in this country, and the voice of dissension and unwillingness to do … Read more

End the Violence

This Sunday we celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord into heaven after his resurrection. It is supposed to be a joyful occasion in which the Great Commission is given for the disciples to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel, literally the Good News of Jesus’ teachings. However, the church has far … Read more