Take a Moment

This week in Advent we light the second candle on the wreath. Many people forget that each candle has a theme. This weeks theme is faith. The readings reflect that as well. The passage from Isaiah talk about the coming of the Messiah. And in it we hear some pretty spectacular imagery. Lions will lie … Read more

Time For Renewal

This Sunday is the Solemnity of Christ the King, which is the last Sunday of the liturgical year. It’s a time to start over, for us to reflect on the past year, and on the real reason for our faith. That Christ is our King of Glory. The Church chooses this feast to renew itself … Read more

Gossip is not Godly

This Sunday we read an important set of readings about what it means to truly be Christian. So many people proclaim that they are Christians, yet they lack the actually fruit of the Gospel in their lives. They promote themselves as the sole purveyor of “truth” and the only spokesperson of God. Sadly, they rarely … Read more

Walking with Perseverance

This week in the cycle we are beginning to wind down the journey of Ordinary time, which means that we have the readings in the cycle that prepare us for the end of our walk on Earth. For some this can be triggering, because a lot of these verses were used as a way to … Read more

Help or Torment

This weeks Gospel is pretty vivid and heavy handed. It’s the most vivid and negative parable in all of the Gospels. The beggar and the rich man. It lends the question of who will listen to the prophets, and all the warnings that they give. That change is coming, and to be ready. But most … Read more

Serving two masters

The past few weeks have been exhausting. Going back to college at my age was a feat in itself, but managing a parish, diocese, national church, magazine, and family has been a struggle. And so often in ministry we find ourselves alone working to help those most in need. Even worse, those who claim to … Read more

Looking For The Lost

“This man dines with sinners and tax collectors…” This sentiment is one that we are all to accustomed to in this parish. We know all to well the accusations that Jesus received from the “religious” legalists of his day. Today we have the same legalism but coming from our so called brothers in faith almost … Read more